Public call for nominations for the 2023 "Krunoslav Sukić" Peace Prize and recognition.
The "Krunoslav Sukić" award and recognition are intended for individuals, organizations and institutions for a special contribution to the protection and promotion of human rights and human freedoms and the consistent promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence in Croatia and its surroundings, and also includes initiatives from the countries of the Western Balkans that have an impact on building peace in the Republic of Croatia.
The award for the promotion of peacemaking, nonviolence and human rights "Krunoslav Sukić" is intended for individuals for their activities in the Republic of Croatia, i.e. for activities that have an impact on building sustainable peace and a culture of nonviolence in the Republic of Croatia and its surroundings, the countries of the Western Balkans. The award is a recognition for persistent, courageous and inclusive resistance to violence, for the application of non-violent methods in the protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms, the transformation of social conflicts and disputes, and for encouraging creative, solidarity and collaborative responses to threats to peaceful sustainable development
The prize consists of a plaque and a certificate of appreciation and a monetary amount of EUR 700.00. You can download the form here
The recognition for the promotion of peacemaking, nonviolence and human rights "Krunoslav Sukić" is intended for individuals, organizations, societies, civic and other initiatives that promote peacemaking, nonviolence and the protection of human rights in Croatia and its surroundings, the countries of the Western Balkans: for their resistance to violence ; for the application of non-violent methods in the protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms, the resolution of social conflicts and disputes, as well as for creative approaches and achievements in building sustainable peace in the local community; through socially engaged art; by encouraging social, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue; non-violent actions, etc.
Acknowledgment is made by a plaque - a thank you card. You can download the form here
The award "Krunoslav Sukić" BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022/2023 is awarded to authors of books published in Croatia or in one of the countries of the Western Balkans that stand out for their contribution to creating an atmosphere of better understanding and motivation for peacemaking, non-violent action, protection and promotion of human rights. and the development of civil society.
Acknowledgment is made by a plaque - a thank you card. You can download the form here
The "Krunoslav Sukić" PEACE SCHOOL award is intended for primary and secondary schools that promote education for the application of non-violent methods in conflict resolution and active citizenship, and participate in solidarity in the improvement of life and sustainable development of their school and local community.
The recognition consists of a plaque of appreciation and an award-winning educational-study visit by a group of students and teachers of the award-winning school to Osijek, Vukovar and Zlatna Greda. You can download the form here
Submit nominations no later than November 5, 2023 to prijava-nagrada@centar-za-mir.hr or by mail to the address Center for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights - Osijek, Trg A. Šenoe 1, 31000 Osijek
The prize and awards will be presented to the winners on December 7, 2023 in Osijek on the occasion of International Human Rights Day.
Award judging committee: Goran Božičević, Katarina Kruhonja, Zoran Pusić, Otto Raffai, Franka Sukić and Lora Vidović, and Tanja Jakovac for the evaluation of the Peace School Award proposal.
Natural and legal persons can propose.
Contact: Natalija Havelka: nagrada@centar-za-mir.hr; +385 91 619 4880