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Award for promoting peacemaking, non-violence, and human rights „Krunoslav Sukić

It is intended for individuals for their activities in the Republic of Croatia, i.e. for actions that have an impact on building sustainable peace and a culture of non-violence in the Republic of Croatia and its surroundings, the countries of the Western Balkans. The award is a recognition for persistent, courageous and inclusive resistance to violence, for the application of non-violent methods in the protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms, for the transformation of social conflicts and disputes, and for encouraging creative, solidarity-based and cooperative responses to threats to peaceful sustainable development.
The Award consists of a plaque-thank you note and a cash amount of EUR 700.
The author of the artistic design of the plaque of the Award is Ivan Doroghy, professor of graphic design at the Design Study of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb.


First laureate: Prof. dr. Ladislav Bognar

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To his contemporaries in Osijek, Slavonia and Croatia, Ladislav Bognar provides an example of consistent commitment to the promotion of peacemaking, non-violence and human rights in his professional, activist and civic-political engagement.
His professional and personal commitment to alternative education dates back to before the war. The war did not "throw him out" of this attitude on the contrary, it motivates him to offer elements of education for peace and non-violence and teach teachers in war-stricken Slavonia and Baranja, assessing how much, in post-war circumstances, it can help them in their task of educating children and young people.
Since then, he has been persisting in his efforts to make education for peace an integral part of the education system in Croatia. He participated in the defense of Slatina and Osijek, and immediately after demobilization, from 1992 he worked for a peaceful solution to the war conflict. It cooperates with local and international peace organizations to empower peace activists and to open communication with civilian and peace initiatives from the occupied territories. The opening of communication, dialogue and even cooperation with the "long side", across the dividing line, greatly prepared and facilitated the implementation of the peaceful integration of the Danube region, but at the time when such action was carried out was dangerous, it was called treason and collaboration with the enemy.
Although he was persecuted and threatened by the media, he showed his civic and political responsibility and courage when he supported the witnesses who spoke to him and personally testified before the judiciary about the circumstances in which war crimes against Serb civilians were committed in Osijek and in Paulin Dvor.

Jadranka Reihl Kir

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The "Krunoslav Sukić" Award for the Promotion of Peacemaking, Non-Violence and Human Rights in 2010 was awarded to Jadranka Reihl Kir for her unwavering, determined and courageous insistence on the investigation of the murder of her husband, Osijek Police Chief Josip Reihl Kir, and two representatives of the local government, Milan Knežević and Goran Zobundžija, and the attempted murder of Mirko Tubić on July 1, 1991 at a checkpoint between Osijek and Tenja.
Jadranka Reihl Kir did not allow this murder to be covered up or declared an act of blind revenge that should be justified by the pre-war atmosphere that inflamed such feelings, but that it was a political murder aimed at eliminating her husband's peace efforts. She managed to make the truth about the fate of Josip Reihl Kir part of the collective experience and principled attitude. Jadranka Reihl Kir was never a victim but a witness of her time, she never allowed a tragedy to turn into a judicial farce.
This farce is being deconstructed these days by the exhibition "Who is Reihl Kir to you", again by example Jadranka Reihl Kir reminds us that without personal exposure, or more precisely defiance against dominant, violent, social behavior, there will be neither peace nor prosperity.

Ljiljana Gehrecke, PhD

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People are not evil - people are unhappy
Ljiljana Gehrecke, PhD, was awarded the Award for the Promotion of Peacembuilding, Nonviolence and Human Rights, for her dedication to alleviating war traumas, the recovery of people and society in Vukovar, which is not only directed towards tolerance, but towards true unity. The support it provides to people today is valuable for future generations.
Ljiljana Gehrecke was born in Vorkapić Selo near Glina in 1938. She finished elementary school and high school in the Vukovar area. In Belgrade, she graduated and received a master's degree in economics, and then a doctorate in the field of technical sciences. She has taught at the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade and at the University of Karlsruhe. She is a lecturer at the Centre for Peace and Development at the United Nations University in Paris. She was the first, and now she is the honorary president of the European House Vukovar.
Shaken by the fate of the people and the city of Vukovar, Ljiljana Gehrecke and her husband return to Vukovar immediately after the end of the Homeland War. On Europe Day, May 9, 2000, they initiated the establishment of the European House Vukovar. In a community that suffered severe war suffering, and despite the opposition of the city administration, it was a great undertaking to gather fifteen citizens of Vukovar who differed not only in ethnicity, but also in political beliefs, religion, age, education and professional orientation seemingly in many ways. But they were united in one thing - they had a common desire for Vukovar to heal its war wounds, to become a European city of spiritual and economic prosperity.
Ljiljana Gehrecka's work is based on her humble philanthropy: people are not evil people are unhappy. He accepts every person, all the citizens of Vukovar, as friends. He expresses an understanding for the fear and hatred that war leaves behind. She tries to help overcome fear and hatred at workshops for overcoming war trauma and self-protection of health; information; getting to know the "other side" and looking at their own role in the conflict. That is why Ljiljana Gehrecke, in a city where spiritual and emotional wounds have not yet healed, where national and religious barriers have not yet been overcome, opens the door to situations that are considered almost hopeless.
Thus, she invited Živorad Kovačević, the former mayor of Belgrade, to Vukovar, who gave a lecture in the crowded Pastoral Center (2000). On that occasion, he expressed regret and offered an apology to the devastated city and people. Ljiljana Gehrecke regularly organizes annual conferences How Much Do We Hear and Understand Each Other? which are a space for interethnic dialogue about the past and about the common future of the people of Vukovar and Vukovar. Concerts of spiritual music with the participation of Vukovar choirs and individuals from different religious communities have already become traditional. Ljiljana Gehrecka personally, as well as the participants of the gatherings that she and her associates from the European House Vukovar organize, send clear messages of peace, non-violence and justice.
She publicly supports the regional initiative for the establishment of RECOM (Regional Commission for Establishing the Facts about All Victims of War Crimes and Other Serious Human Rights Violations Committed on the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia in the Period from 1991 to 2001), but in Vukovar she is almost alone in this. Her support for the initiative is her contribution to an opportunity that she considers to be a civilizational possibility: never before have people, on whom crimes and injustices have been broken, had the right to share their experiences and clarify their mutual relations, but politics has always been the one that decides. Ljiljana Gherecke believes that this time, thanks to, among other things, the efforts of civil society organizations, citizens can contribute to the creation of a healthy multicultural community. She makes her contribution to this hope with dedication and perseverance.
In her speech on the occasion of receiving the Award, Ljiljana Gehrecke emphasized: Today, not only in our country, but throughout the world, there is no more urgent task than creating peace. The whole world is currently on the brink of an abyss, into which it can be plunged only by a single unreasonable move of the powerful. Only one thing can save us from the impending catastrophe, and that is abstinence from all violence and a peaceful, rational solution to all existing problems. As far as Vukovar is concerned, I do not want to say that I only hope, but that I am convinced that the pain and suffering that the people of Vukovar went through during and after the war will be the driving force for a leap to a higher level of awareness, which will enable a better understanding of the past and the building of a healthy, effective community in the future. Peter Kuzmič

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The Humanity of the Intellectual Peter Kuzmič, PhD
Peter Kuzmič was awarded the Award for his promotion of worldview and religious pluralism and dialogue striving towards the truth through public dialogue, he contributes to the formation of a democratic and peaceful culture in Croatia.
Peter Kuzmič, PhD, was born in 1946 in Nuskovo (Slovenia). He was educated in Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, Great Britain and the United States of America; He graduated in theology, pedagogy and humanities. He received his master's degree from the Wheaton Graduate School in Chicago and his doctorate from the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb. He was one of the founders of the Biblical Theological Institute (Zagreb, 1972) today the Faculty of Evangelical Theology in Osijek, where he is a professor and rector. He is a visiting professor at a number of universities in the USA, Korea and China. He chaired the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance and the Lausanne Committee. The theological, scholarly and ecumenical work of dr. sc. Peter Kuzmič have worldwide achievements and recognitions. In the Republic of Croatia, he was awarded the Order of Danica Hrvatska with the image of Katarina Zrinski (1988), the Coat of Arms of the City of Osijek (2000) for a special contribution to the international affirmation of the city of Osijek and the Coat of Arms of the City of Osijek (2008) for lifetime achievement.
Contribution to the Formation of a Democratic and Peaceful Culture in Croatia
Dr. Kuzmič is an atypical, non-traditional, in fact a peculiar theologian, ethicist and humanist who shows how to resist any exclusivity, i.e. all ideological, ideological and religious monopolies, and how to promote worldview and religious pluralism while striving for truth. In his opinion, the truth must be witnessed - the truth is complex and it is not just mere dogmatic terminology. And it is precisely the dialogue, not only with God but also with every person, that is an essential determinant of the believer's existence, but also of the existential existence.
The war and aggression against Croatia, war crimes, the processes of transition in Croatia, human and minority rights issues, the activities of citizens' associations, the peace movement, the manipulation of politicians in the public space, these are all topics that Peter Kuzmič spoke about in the public space, questioning our social reality, guessing the essence of the problem and not reconciling himself with existing myths on an intellectual and moral level. From 2000 to 2009 he was a columnist for the daily newspaper "Glas Slavonije", where he wrote under the title "Time and Eternity" about current topics: People of Justice, Prerequisite for Reconciliation, Male Chauvinism in the Parliament, Minorities - a Bridge of Cooperation, Not a Fifth Column, Against Corruption, Why Europe Does Not Trust Us, Rights of the Sick - Human Rights, Justice Slowly Arrives in the Croatian Judiciary, Christianity Fails the Exam, Religions in the Face of Global Ethical Challenges, Ecumenical Imperatives, Against Tribal Europe, Racism - Degradation of Humanity, Hiroshima Admonition and Call, Who Is to Blame for Terrorism, Global Human Rights Crisis.
Petar Kuzmič, PhD, is a person who does not remain silent and who publicly and benevolently advocates his beliefs, and does not hesitate to talk about problems that others simply do not even notice. With his speech, he helps to assess whether something is morally good or whether it is in accordance with our true humanity or not, providing the right orientation in the whirlwind of accelerated changes: economic, political, educational, communication and many others.
By participating in civic initiatives, Peter Kuzmič also testifies by doing. He is one of the founders of the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and its member for several years. He has participated in a number of conferences, round tables and events organized by peace associations of citizens in Osijek, the Slavonia-Baranja region, Croatia and at international gatherings. With its authority, it encourages, assists, and even enables the implementation of the activities of various local civic and peace initiatives. The community of believers, whose spiritual leader he is, and the Evangelical Theological Faculty in Osijek are always open in a spiritual and practical sense with their space for initiatives and events that contribute to the ecumenical, interreligious, peace-building, dialogical and democratic spirit even in times and situations when such efforts are perceived as undesirable by the ruling structures in the city. It is a support for the dissolution of fears of local powers and the civic conquest of the space of freedom.
Peter Kuzmič's ethics at work is to engage in public debate (and action) on the fundamental issues of social reality, by penetrating the essence of that reality striving towards the truth.
The joy is great because the award-winning Dr. Kuzmič brings us closer to the values and personal inclination of the man whose name this Award bears, Krunoslav Sukić, who said about himself: "I strive to tell the truth and realize it with joy."

Veljko Vičević

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Veljko Vičević - defender of the new wave
Veljko Vičević was awarded the Award for opening and establishing a dialogue between associations of Homeland War veterans and civil society organizations, especially in relation to regional processes of dealing with the past and initiatives for RECOM (Regional Commission for Establishing Facts on All Victims of War Crimes and Other Serious Human Rights Violations Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia in the Period from 1991 to 2001).
Veljko Vičević was born in Zagreb in 1956, where he still lives today. A political scientist, proud to have known the Praxis family - professors Sutlić, Supek and Kangrga, he was active in the work of the Alliance of Socialist Youth of Croatia, where he began to engage in politics professionally in 1981. Since 1983 he has been the president of the City Conference of SSOH Zagreb. The actions "You have a house, return the apartment", and the launch of the Youth Radio, today's Hundred Unit, are the most famous of many in Veljko's mandate.
In 1991, he became involved as a volunteer in the preparation and organization of the National Guard Corps and the Croatian Army. He is an active participant in the Homeland War, commander of the 148th Brigade of the Croatian Army, "one of the longest-lived", retired with the rank of active colonel of the Croatian Army as a 50% war invalid.
After the war, he was active again in several associations UDVDR (Association of Volunteers and Veterans of the Homeland War), HVIDRA (Association of Croatian Military Invalids of the Homeland War) and others. He especially excelled in sports activities, and in 2007 he completed the Peace Studies of the Zagreb CMS. The old man is "riding again." Veljko found an area that many have headaches communication and cooperation between veterans' and civil associations. Since then, Veljko, together with his comrades-in-arms, has been actively breaking the prejudice about veterans as uneducated and unsensitized persons for human rights, civil society and peacebuilding. For the last few years, Veljko has been the head of the Working Group for Veterans at the Coalition for RECOM Croatia, an important and unique body that again annoys the cleaners on duty, which is not provided for in the Statute of the Coalition. And how will war veterans build peace?
He is in KOREKOM, first as an observer of his home Association of Volunteers and Veterans of the Homeland War, and then impatient for his superior veteran structures to agree he makes another step forward and joins KOREKOM as an individual. The importance of Veljko's engagement in the Coalition for RECOM is not in the fact that he is the only war veteran from the entire region with such high responsibilities and rank. There is much more in the way it works.
Veljko is also critical of the KOREKOM process in Croatia, but his criticism is not an evil wish for the collapse of the gathering of thousands of people from the 'region', which is disliked by many. Quite the opposite loud, argumentative and concrete criticism realizes the internal weaknesses of the huge multi-state coalition and fears that KOREKOM will not succeed in its plan. Veljko is not afraid of the Regional Commission he is afraid of the failure of its formation.
Vičević belongs to the new wave of Croatian veterans who are active in building peace and civil society in Croatia and in the region. These are those who shy away from both 'their' and 'ours', those who do not know how to do easy things, those who are the first to go where others do not dare, for whom a clear conscience is more important than material and social gains. Those whom the Krunoslav Sukić Award is happy to embrace.

Ana and Otto Raffai

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"Nonviolence is neither passivity nor attacking one's opponent, but a resolute struggle for justice through the power of love, cooperation and truth." - H.Goss Mayr
Ana Marija and Otto Raffai were awarded the "Krunoslav Sukić" Award for the Promotion of Peacebuilding, Nonviolence and Human Rights for deepening the understanding of nonviolence and empowering people and communities for nonviolent action, connecting spirituality, nonviolence as an attitude and action, open dialogue and interfaith cooperation, and lifelong learning.
The Raffai couple live what they believe in every day. Although Ana teaches foreign languages at school, meaning 'she also has a normal job', it is difficult for an uninformed observer to tell what they do. Peace work, education and interfaith dialogues, certainly, but these are only forms of content much more important than them.
Ana and Otto Raffai live by witnessing the commitment to non-violence, the power of true faith and love. The participants of their trainings, students of the Zagreb Peace Studies, believers of various religions, are immensely grateful to them for this. We won't say that they adore them, because that's exactly what it is, as inappropriate as it is - there is no cult in them. Raising a family, raising their three children Judit, Gustav and Ruth, running a household in which German and French are spoken in addition to Croatian and Hungarian, the pleasure of preparing food for the family and guests, conversations filled with careful listening to the interlocutor, dilemmas, searching for answers, learning, humor, all these seem to be things that have no place in such serious explanations.
Thanks to Ana and Otto, today we know that this is where they belong. "Be the change you want to see." is a saying that we have the honor to reward today.
We are proud to say that Otto and Ana Maria Raffai are among the most prominent trainers of thinking about nonviolence and nonviolent action in Europe and beyond, but that is not the real reason why we are awarding them this award. They also published a number of professional papers, so when asked by the Peace Studies in Zagreb if someone could come to explain the significance of the peace message of Christmas, they responded in 1997 with sincere amazement: "But you already have Ana Raffai." Their peacekeeping activity began spontaneously, it took both faith and courage to refuse to carry weapons in 1991 during mobilization, with Otto's explanation: "My Christian faith does not allow me to do that."
Ana Marija Raffai, born Kurtović, in Zagreb in 1959, where she completed her studies in Romance and German studies and then theology. Since 1985 he has been teaching German and French in secondary schools. Since 1994, she has been active in peace work in this part of Europe. In 1995, together with Otto, she completed an intensive seven-month peace education in Germany with the Oekumenischer Dienst, with whom she remains in contact by continuously improving herself. In Croatia, she works as a trainer at Miramida, Peace Studies and a number of other educations. Biila is the president of the Center for Peace Studies, a member of the Board of Directors of the European Network Church and Peace and the president of the Board of Directors of the Women's Ecumenical Initiative. She works as a mentor to peace teams and individuals in a number of post-Yugoslav countries. Since 2003, she has been active in the RAND Regional Address for Nonviolent Action Association in Sesvetska Selnica, which she founded with her husband Otto.
Otto Raffai was born in 1964 in Senta, Vojvodina, Serbia. He graduated from the Faculty of Theology in Zagreb. In 1992, the conscientious objector went to Germany and became close to the Pax Christi movement, which, together with Ana, supported him in peace work. Since 1996. Active in Croatia and the region as a trainer and mentor in the field of theater of the oppressed, political theater, mediation, nonviolence, conflict, interreligious dialogue.
Ana and Otto, through the RAND association, co-organize a series of regional interreligious conferences "Building Peace, Praise God", dialogic and educational meetings for believers, training for peacebuilding trainers, and in 2012 they publicly marked the International Day of Non-Violence in a number of cities in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Ana and Otto Raffai are an inspiration and a source of strength and motivation to all who know them. Never choosing the easy way, not allowing themselves to be hindered in living their faith by illness, misunderstandings of donors, or environments favorable to large projects and often disinclined towards believers and those who are not skilled in English, Ana and Otto are a walking example of how love builds peace. To all who know them, they are role models, and to us today, it is an honor and privilege to be able to publicly say to them: "Thank you, keep it up".

Šerif Isaković

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"Whose is the Bosnian Posavina and whose are the Posavljaks?"
Šerif Isaković was awarded the "Krunoslav Sukić" Award for the Promotion of Peacebuilding, Nonviolence and Human Rights for his twenty years of commitment to post-war peacebuilding in the region, for his tireless advocacy for the right of all people to return to their homes and, especially, for the recovery of war-devastated and devastated Posavina. Speaking loudly about the suffering of Posavina and the people of Posavlja, never about his own (although he himself lost two brothers, several members of his extended family, all his property and home). It analyzes and criticizes the entity division of Bosnia, but at the same time acts in accordance with all legal possibilities and encourages the creation of new and better opportunities for return. Šerif Isaković expresses the political program of his activities clearly, publicly and persistently: everyone has the right to their own home each to their own home a unified Bosnia and Herzegovina with three constituent peoples Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European Union. He wisely and skillfully connects horizontal and vertical power - he acts from below (connecting people, associations, church and local communities) and through local government while at the same time trying to influence decisions made at the highest political levels, nationally and internationally.
Šerif Isaković was born in 1939 in Stolac, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Twice in his life he was a refugee. During World War II, his family was expelled, and after the war they settled in Derventa. He was expelled from Derventa and then from Bosanski Brod together with his family in 1992, when he settled in Slavonski Brod. However, it lives equally on both banks of its own. He is a lawyer with diverse professional experience, and has been working as a lawyer for the last twenty years. He does not miss the opportunity to express his gratitude for the solidarity with which the exiled people of Posavina were accepted in Sl. Brod and the feeling of belonging to a new home. It participates in the cultural and political life of the city. He holds the position of councilor in the City of Slavonski Brod and in the County Assembly of Brod-Posavina County, he is the president of the County Committee for Interstate and Inter-County Cooperation and a member of the County Council for European Integration. He is active in the Association of Intellectuals "Matija Mesić".
People recognize Šerif Isaković as a peacemaker and friend. His peace potential is "attached" to his love for every person, for his homeland and the nurturing of the Posavlje identity, culture and music. On his way back to Posavina, he works by being with people in their most difficult moments when they go to the burnt sites of their houses and graves for the first time and when they need to decide to coexist with yesterday's enemies. With them, he permanently, consistently and persistently builds a new type of security one that relies on the establishment and strengthening of broken interpersonal and social ties, friendship, tolerance, interreligious dialogue and cooperation. On an interpersonal level, between war-torn communities and local politicians, and internationally.
He connects refugees and refugee associations so that together they can more effectively help everyone return to their homes: he is a co-founder and president of the still active Community of Returnees of Bosanska Posavina, which has been operating since 1994, and the Coalition for Return, which consists of 200 refugee and displaced persons from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the region and the diaspora.
He is the founder and president of the association "Living Together" of the Municipality of Derventa, co-founder and active member of the regional association "Bridge of Friendship".
He says what he thinks publicly and writes it is a columnist for the weekly Posavska Hrvatska from Slavonski Brod and the magazine Tolerance, published by the Friendship Society from Bačka Palanka. He is the author of the book "Bosnia and Herzegovina from Dayton to Brussels" in which, in addition to chronologically arranged events, he also publishes his reflections on them - as a document of the time as he saw it, lived it and how he responded to the challenges of the time. With ease and joy, he stands behind his words and deeds. And in this way, he also deals with the inconveniences and pressures he experiences because of his work.
Šerif Isaković has already received a number of recognitions and letters of appreciation, but incomparably more handshakes, hugs, smiles and joyful encounters with people. We want our "Krunoslav Sukić" Award to shed more light on the beneficial peacefulness of the Šerif's life and work. Thank you.

Veselinka Kastratović

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"The victims are, in fact, lonely"
Veselinka Kastratović was awarded the "Krunoslav Sukić" Award for her twenty years of brave, persistent, human and professional dedication to the protection of human rights and post-war peacebuilding in war-torn parts of Croatia.
Although poorly visible to the public, the value of her commitment to preserving the human dignity of displaced persons and refugees, returnees, victims and victims of war crimes is invaluable. As a lawyer, monitor of court proceedings, researcher of human losses, she supports victims and families of victims in their search and aspiration to discover the truth about the suffering. At the same time, through public advocacy in favor of a professional and impartial trial for war crimes, it contributes to the creation of a social atmosphere and political framework for the transformation of a totalitarian and wartime society into a democratic and peaceful society. He does it selflessly, without reservation, despite pressure, misunderstanding or malicious attacks, he does it in such a way that by his example and availability he represents support to colleagues, associations, institutions and the process itself. For that, we express our gratitude to her!

Barbara Matejčić

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"It's important to me that through my work I can empathize with other people - so I can try to understand and make it easier for readers to understand."
The "Krunoslav Sukić" Award is presented to Barbara Matejčić for her rarely seen example of engaged investigative journalism, through which she has questioned and explored topics and processes extremely important for peacebuilding in the last few years. With her research and writing, Barbara Matejčić makes visible the unacknowledged injustices related to social exclusion, inequality and the negative consequences of war violence, as well as the efforts that connect people towards unity in solidarity.
Barbara Matejčić writes about a wide range of topics, about everything that provokes her, what she wants to clarify for herself and others, what answers she wants to come up with, and she does not get them from the media. When he works on post-war topics, he always goes to the field and talks to people who connect the community, and do not divide it, he finds people who are unrecognized, civilian victims of war. He describes his work with the following words: "I try not to do, not to condemn, not to cheer, but to put together a mosaic of different voices and images that speak for themselves, give a different picture than the usual narrative of war."
With the Award, we want to show how much we appreciate Barbara's work, thank her and encourage her to go further!

Bojan Glavašević

The "Krunoslav Sukić" Award is awarded to Bojan Glavašević for his readiness to witness and live his life choice I don't hate but I care and live in a time of growing misunderstanding, conflict and intolerance. Bojan Glavašević's actions from this attitude contribute to the appreciation of the suffering of the victims, but without manipulation, and frees them from being closed in the circle of a national myth that makes it impossible for people, the community and even the post-war generation to live on.
It is precisely the attitude: I do not hate but I care that can become a common ground, a starting point for dialogue, agreement, cooperation on those issues that are shaking Croatian society today. Bojan Glavašević shows us that this attitude is a sure landmark and a source of strength for making brave, unusual choices for today's Croatia.
His choice is not to be a victim locked in hatred or fear, even though he and his family were badly damaged in the war. He refuses to accept the assumed role of a symbol of suffering if it would not help the victims, the veterans or all of us to free themselves from that suffering. He shows his choice by accepting a job in a demanding position in the state structure in a difficult time of crisis, inherited disorder and growing dissatisfaction of the veteran population and civilian victims of the war he cares for.
He shows his choice when he advocates respect for the different, respect for diversity and tolerance in the public and media space - aware that part of the public does not want to hear that from him.
Bojan does not meet the imposed expectations of others, but manages to be himself. And the more he is himself, the more he is ours, all of us, and there are not a few of us, who see hatred as a temporary state, and concern for the well-being of others as a permanent attitude to life. Bojan Glavašević opens a page of a new reality for a generation of children from the war who have the right to a good, solidary and stimulating social atmosphere.
Bojan Glavašević testifies to non-violence by opposing injustice, exclusivity, violence, while respecting the dignity of those who attack him and not giving up communion with them. It does not come from religious circles or peace associations, and thus reminds us that nonviolence is a path, a choice of freedom, of love for every human being, and not a set of rules or ideologies. It reminds us that in order to build peace, it is important how we do something that peace is the way, as Mahatma Gandhi said.
The award with the name of our Kruno goes into the hands of a man who lives and testifies to what was important to the humanist Kruno, no matter how many temptations, dilemmas and threats there are on that path. And they are not small in the life of Bojan Glavašević.
That is why the significance of Bojan's choices and his engagement is greater.

Staša Zajović

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Women in Black for a future without darkness the power of non-violent resistance.
We present the Award to Staša Zajović and the Women in Black from Belgrade for their long-term, public, consistent and recognizable anti-war and peace-building engagement. From the first war campaigns in 1991 to the present day, Women in Black have become a symbol of resistance to wars in this region. By their example, they show, pave and lead us on the way out of the spiral of violence that has been recycled in our countries for centuries.
Resistance: Staša Zajović and the Women in Black persistently, constantly and tirelessly create opportunities for their unequivocal rejection of war to be heard. They are recognizable by their black color and silence, which is eloquent. They are often exposed to violent reactions of a part of the public because of their clearly articulated and always repeated: NO IN OUR NAME - no to the war, NO to Serbia's role in the war, NO to the genocide in Srebrenica, NO to the destruction and crimes in Vukovar, Dubrovnik, NO to the war in Kosovo... NOT IN OUR NAME to glorify the war and to deny, justify and abolish the crimes organized and carried out by the regime!
YES to accepting our share of responsibility: "We can condemn every war and every crime, but we can only be ashamed, ashamed of the one that was committed in our name!" Thus, Staša and the Women in Black talk about their part of responsibility and visit the places of suffering in Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo to tell the victims: "We are sorry!".
Compassion and appreciation for the suffering of the victims: Their walk in the column of remembrance, in Vukovar, in Lovas, in Srebrenica, in Višegrad is an expression of emotional, moral and political support to all victims of crime. A balm on the wound of the victims, their families and society, salt on the wound of those responsible, a blow to the stereotype of collective guilt and primordial hostility, a demanding call to politics! And, most importantly it restores togetherness!
And last but not least, Staša Zajović and the Women in Black expose patterns of domination and violenceinfamily, gender, social, economic, political relationships. Understanding cultural, structural, gender-based violence is the basis for building a more just society, an alternative. They are already doing this, they are an example of the power of non-violent resistance and non-violent action that is already beneficial, stimulating, inclusive, collaborative, and certainly deserves to be a textbook example for new generations. Thank you!

Clive Richard Fowel

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With this Award, we thank Clive Fowell for his long-term support to war-torn people and communities in Eastern Croatia (Osijek, Vukovar and several places in Slavonia and Baranja) on their path of recovery, restoration of trust and reconciliation.
Since his youth, Clive R. Fowel has been committed to dialogue between Western and Eastern Europe in order to contribute to the great project of a peaceful Europe. In the eighties, before the fall of the "lead curtain", he went to East Germany. Since the war, for about 20 years, he has been walking alongside people and communities in war-torn Eastern Croatia. He does this from where he stands the pastor of the Methodist Church in Great Britain, encouraging understanding and involving his parishioners and his church organization in the process. Thus, in 2012. Clive's peace work has been accepted as part of his pastoral ministry, and the parishioners of this community have been raising funds for his work in Croatia for two decades, organizing visits and hospitable groups from Croatia.
Almost imperceptible, but persistent, ethical and sincere peaceseeker, he develops and constantly deepens his own understanding and empathy for those affected by war. On this basis, and with the help of local associates and organizations, he is designing a program of workshops in order to meaningfully, with a holistic approach, leave a long-lasting mark on the participants and reduce the negative consequences of the war on future generations. In the workshops that she conducts 6 to 7 times a year, she wants to make the participants feel safe and free to express their injuries that are recognized and accepted by everyone. Pain and anger are thus transformed into understanding, compassion and hope. Only a part of the experiences of about 250 participants of Clive's workshops were published in a book of personal stories, but as the title of the book says, they have in common the name Wounded by War Touched by Hope!
These individual hopes have already been translated into many, new life, family and social expressions. We quote one: "I gained self-confidence, peace, my own spiritual progress... I discovered the possibility of reconciliation and forgiveness, which I am now trying to share with my loved ones in my family, association and community."

Marijan Gubina

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I don't hate, condemn or generalize.
The "Krunoslav Sukić" 2015 Peace Award is presented to Marijan Gubina as a contribution to his choice of correct living, which makes him an example, encouragement and support to the people around him young people, veterans, teachers, believers, politicians, artists...
Marijan Gubina is Anne Frank whose dreams come true; Fortunately, Marijan survived the captivity, but he was also freed from it. He came out of confinement into fear, hurt, hatred and unforgiveness and found his place and his way. Catharsis or relief happens first of all through writing, and then through active action with which she tries to contribute to the building of the world that Anne Frank only dreamed of the world of freedom from violence!
As a ten-year-old boy, he, together with his family of six, was imprisoned in Dalj for 260 days, exposed to violence and humiliation. Getting out of the accident wasn't quick or easy. It is rounded off with the book 260 Days, in which Marijan Gubina describes his difficult experience of suffering, but also the experience of support related to some fellow villagers of Serbian nationality. The book comes from a heart that does not hate, is not bitter and does not generalize. It does not generate hatred, but, on the contrary, it becomes a peaceful inspiration for many: it has been translated into 15 languages, including Arabic and Chinese, and an inspired theatre play was made based on it, which won the director, screenwriter, actors the play as a whole the Croatian Theatre Award in 2015.
Marijan testifies to his experience of coming out of the spiral of violence, about his contribution to building a better, fairer, inclusive and developmentally sustainable community with a series of lectures for young people. With these lectures, he covered almost 80% of schools in the war-torn area of Croatia, but also in other parts of Croatia, and he is also a guest in the wider region and abroad.
Marijan works for the good of his community by showing in practice that it is possible to replace the main determinants of the culture of war with the determinants of the culture of peace: instead of violence and force non-violence and respect for human rights, instead of authoritarian structures and exploitation democratic participation and sustainable development of humanity, instead of the idea of hostility and distrust towards others understanding, tolerance and solidarity among the peoples and cultures of the world.
On these foundations, Marijan gathered a large number of volunteers who are present in the life of Osijek through humanitarian actions, humanitarian and educational programs for addicts and residents of the Home for the Education of Children and Youth, and around the platform for cooperation with smaller ones - FRIENDS OF MINORITIES.
Marijan, we want you and your colleagues to continue to walk this path!
Marijan Gubina receives a plaque from H.E. Ellen Berends, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Croatia

Prince Wale Soniyiki

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I'm ok now, but other refugees need it.
For his many years of peace engagement in mediating between different cultures - by his own example, volunteering, as an intercultural interpreter, activist - but also institutional, self-effacing - but also in the media, but always directly, non-violently and deeply human. With such actions, Prince Wale Soniyiki contributes to the integration of immigrants and changes in the attitudes of the Croatian public towards asylum seekers. By doing so, it fosters the good in us.
Prince Wale Soniyiki is a peace activist, volunteer, human rights activist, refugee and immigrant rights activist, founder of the Society of Africans in Croatia, associate of the Centre for Peace Studies, enthusiast and optimist. He fled Nigeria from the militant group Boko Haram after being tortured and his brothers were killed. He crossed Africa and the Mediterranean. He was granted asylum in Croatia on June 20, 2012, on World Refugee Day. On that occasion, he responds to the minister who hands him the decision on asylum, when asked if he needs anything. "Not me, I'm okay now. But other refugees do. They have been waiting for a long time. Conditions, uncertainty, that's what it takes. Not for me. For them".
Prince is continuously connected with immigrants, supporting them in the process of seeking asylum and integration, as well as trying to bring the issue of asylum seekers closer to the general public, dispel prejudices and fears, and contribute to a friendly social environment.
"I work with immigrants. I want to see that they laugh, that they feel good if someone from the outside intimidates them. But when we are together, we tell some African jokes and cheer each other up. When I see them happy, even though they are waiting for a decision, I am happy too. I always think about how happy they could be in this period of life. Because I was like them before I got asylum, and I thought about every day of my life. I think happiness is what all those who have a difficult past sometimes need."
A Red Cross activist in his native Nigeria, he has been building his entire young thirty-year-old life, or more precisely spreading, peace around him. Selflessly, honestly, no one who cooperated with him remained indifferent: modest, curious, diligent, contagious optimism, he endured racist comments, but did not remain silent about them, he enrolled and completed Peace Studies successfully, although he was just learning the Croatian language. By his example,
Prince brings the issue of asylum closer to many residents of Croatia. He believes in the coexistence of different cultures and actively works on interculturality, exchange of Croatian, Nigerian and other African cultures.
Mr. Prince Wale Soniyiki, thank you, you encourage the good in us, and you certainly enrich the number of Laureates of the "Krunoslav Sukić" Award. UBUNTU!
Prince Wale Soniyiki addresses the guests after receiving the Award.

Zdravko Marjanović

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For a steadfast commitment to building peaceful and friendly ties between people
Zdravko Marjanović was born in 1941 in Bosanski Petrovac (Bosnia and Herzegovina). After high school, he graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and worked in several industrial companies in Novi Sad and Bačka Palanka. In addition to his professional work in the economy, he was also engaged in social organizations, especially in the society of radio amateurs, and at the end of the 80s he was the president of the Association of Radio Amateurs of Yugoslavia. After the outbreak of war events in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, with a group of like-minded people who did not reconcile with the war policy of the then regime in Serbia, in 1992 he launched a series of anti-war and peace activities in his local community and, without looking back at the war circumstances, on the contrary, he crossed the front line because of them and came to us as a friend in Ilok, Vukovar, Osijek to see what is happening to us, to show and express friendship and solidarity. We met Zdravko and Zdravko so alive, showing, and sometimes vigorously proving, that this is a normal situation, that peace is not the absence of war, but peaceful, friendly, solidary relations between people and nations!
It is impossible to enumerate everything that, in very difficult political and social conditions and with very scarce, usually his own financial resources, Zdravko Marjanović has initiated, done and is doing to preservation, nurture, improve, build and expand such peaceful, solidary, friendly, cooperative relations.
Without looking back, or precisely as a response to nationalist exclusivity and pressures in his own community, he founded the Society for Tolerance Bačka Palanka (1996), which for ten years managed to publish the monthly magazine Tolerance.
For ten years, almost without any funds; during and despite the war, he has encouraged, inspired and participated in a number of cross-border civil-society peace efforts in order to contribute to the preservation of the remnants of friendly social ties; is particularly engaged in the establishment and work of the Coordination of Peace Organizations for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem (1996-2000), which cooperated cross-border on peaceful reintegration processes before, during and after the end of the UNTAES mission; encourages and coordinates activities of cross-border cooperation between citizens and national minorities as bridges for peacebuilding;
For more than fifteen years he has been working with and for young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Germany and Serbia every year in a different country he gathers about fifty young people in art colonies and peace camps.
The Society for Tolerance Bačka Palanka (Serbia), the association "Luč" Berak (Croatia) and the association "Living Together" Derventa (Bosnia and Herzegovina) are launching the "Bridge of Friendship", which brings together a dozen civic associations and about two hundred individuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia on a series of peace activities within which public debates and round tables on peaceful coexistence and cross-border cooperation of citizens from these countries are held.
However, more important than what he has done and is doing, it is necessary to say who and what Zdravko Marjanović is like. This is how he explains why the Society for Tolerance and what tolerance means to him: "Heroism is when you defend your own from others, and humanity is when you defend others from your own." And this is how he responded to our invitation to congratulate him and present him with the award: "I rejoice that the Award bears the name of our Crown, and otherwise I am an opponent of awards for what every citizen should do."
Thank you Zdravko for coming, thank you for being and we are happy to have you!

Ivana Paradžiković

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Editor of the show "Provjerenofor her professional and human commitment to social justice, solidarity, human rights and democratic standards
Ivana Paradžiković, born in 1980, journalist and presenter. Since 2009, she has been the editor of the show Provjereno, which explores social, political and societal problems in Croatia. By pointing out injustice, corruption, crime, Verified contributes to the fight for respect for fundamental human rights, the right to a dignified life and the right to work. It has become one of the most watched investigative magazines in Croatia, followed by more than 400,000 viewers every week. It deals with content and topics that concern the lives of all citizens, brings stories that require professional courage, stories that point out problems, encourage solutions and solidarity in society, and asks the system to work efficiently and correct injustices.
We list only a few who have been helped by the publication of their stories in Provjereno- Milan and Matija, little Lucija from Trilj, Lucian from Međurača, children who, due to poverty, lived in conditions in which no child should live. Because of the reports in Provjereno, institutions would often be initiated, accusations were filed against the responsible persons, and workers were paid arrears of wages.
The shows of Provjereno sensitize the public to the difficulties and discrimination faced by marginalized social groups, national minorities, members of LGBT groups. They point to the difficulties of people with disabilities. The reporting of Provjereno was crucial for the non-extradition of the young activist Bašak to Turkey, where her fundamental human rights would be threatened. They brought stories about refugees that calmed tensions, encouraged empathy, broke down prejudices and stereotypes.
With a series of contributions, Provjereno encouraged and supported the campaign for the abolition of VAT on donated food, they advocated for the initiation of the procedure for the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes.
We present you with this Award as a thank you for what you have done so far and for all those changes in our society for the better that you have initiated or supported by editing the Provjereno show. And as a support to you and the exceptional journalists of the Provjereno team (which are Mato Barišić, Maja Medaković, Ema Branica and Ivan Čorkalo) for each of your future steps, which will always require personal, professional and human courage, wisdom, compassion and solidarity. Wherever you work and be!

Lina Budak

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We present the Award to a lawyer, a human rights activist, for her persistent and courageous professional and public activities.
With her activities, knowledge and personal attitude, she contributes to the organization of Croatian society on the principles of respect for human and minority rights, the right to public peaceful assembly and the right to public speech, freedom of opinion and expression of disagreement with the policies of the government.
Attorney Budak's work is valuable in two interrelated aspects; These are the functioning of the rule of law and civic participation in advocating for social and political change in a non-violent way.
Attorney Lina Budak represented, mostly pro bono, activists and other citizens engaged in the defense of the public good in Varsavska Street in 2011. Her engagement resulted in the first verdicts on the prohibition of discrimination against LGBT persons in Croatia, as well as the first joint lawsuits under the Anti-Discrimination Act. We emphasize her role in protecting individuals and the right to public speech, freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to assembly; her contribution to the public debate that resulted in amendments to the then restrictive Law on Public Gatherings.
Lina Budak's legal and advisory support and public activities strengthen the strength and competence of civil human rights advocacy in creating fairer, politically plural social relations. Her work is at the same time stimulating for the development of individuals, as well as the whole society. It restores trust in the ordered system and directs us to overcoming injustices and stronger laws in a non-violent way.
The path taken by Lina Budak can only be taken by the brave. Her example teaches us perfectly that courage is not a talent, nor is it calculated. It is conquered and multiplied.
It is important for the profession, society, but most of all for those affected by the repression of the system that there are people with knowledge and attitude in the legal world, who are human rights activists, activists and humanists by their orientation. This year's award is in the right hands.
Cvijeta Senta received the Award on behalf of Lina Budak and conveyed her words:.... Today, when our society is completely divided, and lawyers are divided into "ours" and "yours", it is a special honor for me to be in your society, on the right side, i.e. in the company of those who do not forget vulnerable individuals and groups.
Lina Budak sent a message to the gathering: Dear colleagues, thank you for the award and I am sorry that I am not able to be with you today in Osijek. This award makes me happy, but also obliges me to continue working in an attempt to create a better, fairer and more open society. The perseverance and determination of citizens who insist on the real recognition of the rights guaranteed to them by regulations, gives us lawyers an additional incentive to be better, more decisive and to push the boundaries of freedom together with our clients we representToday, when our society is completely divided, and lawyers are divided into "ours" and "yours", it is a special honor for me to be in your company, on the right side, i.e. in the company of those who do not forget vulnerable individuals and groups.

Amalija Krstanović

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We are grateful and happy to present the Peace Award to Amalija Krstanović for her immeasurable contribution to peace through lifelong support to people, peace activists, teachers and young people.
Amalija Krstanović is a graduate pedagogue. A widow with two sons and 4 grandchildren. She worked for 45 years at the Jagoda Truhelka Elementary School in Osijek. During the Homeland War, she changed the duties of the school principal, organized the evacuation of students and the organization of classes in exile. After her return, she gets involved and participates in numerous educations, projects and peacebuilding activities, strengthening her own peacemaking capacities (insights, knowledge and skills) in the first step in order to transfer them to others.
Amalija Krstanović Peace Education Pedagogue
Amalija contributes to the growth of the quality of the school where she worked as a pedagogue. Although it was not called that and is not yet called it, Amalija professionally and devotedly introduces peace education into practice. In the early post-mortem period, it also included work on trauma, and later, for example, peer mediation; The key elements of peace education are taught and transferred to teachers in about a hundred other schools. He does this until years after his retirement.
Amalija Krstanović peace activist
However, Amalija goes a step further: she contributes to the subsequent peacebuilding, especially the peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danube region. He participates in creating ways to really be with people and give them support when they needed it when they needed to find the strength to get out of the logic of war and start rebuilding peacetime relations, free themselves from traumas, fears, hostilities and rebuild broken social bonds trust. And gradually create a space of cooperation for the good of all. On that path, Amalija was an accompaniment to ordinary people (women, young people, veterans...), peace activists and organizations, but also to people with special responsibilities in Pakrac, Bilje, Berak, Beli Manastir, Tenja, Baranja, Okučani, Slavonski Brod, Novo Selo, Zborište, Osijek... Without such contributions as Amalia's, peaceful reintegration would hardly be achievable at all, and it would certainly not be possible to attach the title of the most successful UN peacekeeping mission ever.
Amalija Krstanović reconciliation 
With gratitude and joy, we present the Peace Award to Amalija Krstanović for the immeasurable language Although she had one of the most difficult experiences of the war the experience of a mother whose sons were separated by the attitude towards the war or precisely because of it, she remained as a reconciler, tirelessly and always. Amalia does not condemn, but does everything in her power to heal the injuries, bridge the divisions and open the space for creativity - cooperation - a good life. And do it tirelessly and regardless of the inconveniences and even dangers. Amalia teaches us how this is possible! We know the need!
Amalija brings change everywhere she works because she selflessly shares her knowledge, experience and compassion. She lives what she talks about and what she teaches. That is why she was able to lay the seeds of peacemaking.
The truth, then, is what she would say to everything said well, that's me, that's my life!
We are grateful to you, Amalija, for everything you are, for what you have done and for everything that we cannot even imagine, let alone measure, that will grow from your life path, grow and bear fruit in the future and for a good future. Thank You that we have something to celebrate and rejoice with You!

Božena (Božica) Ciboci

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The "Krunoslav Sukić" Award for the Promotion of Peacebuilding, Nonviolence and Human Rights in 2019 was presented with gratitude to Božena (Božica) Ciboci, a human rights activist:
for contributing to peacebuilding after the war through persistent and self-effacing research work on determining human losses, which is a touch of hope for the families of the victims, a benefit to future generations and a guarantee of the credibility of civic initiatives.
An economist by profession, and Božena (Božica) Ciboci is a human rights activist completely dedicated to working with people and for the sake of people. For almost a quarter of a century, it has been working on the direct protection of human rights, on determining human losses (killed and missing) and victims of war crimes committed during the Homeland War, and on empowering young people to work on human rights:
- Provided human and professional assistance to persons whose human rights were violated (related to or under the auspices of war events) to achieve them through institutions; at the same time, advocates for and contributes to a change in practices, social environments and laws that are conducive to human rights violations;
- Božica started researching human losses in the Homeland War in 1995 when she conducted field research on those killed after the military-police operation Storm in the team of the Croatian Helsinki Committee, which she continues to work on to this day, in Documenta Center for Dealing with the Past, on the project "Human Losses in Croatia 1991 - 1995". For more than two decades, she has been literally 'door to door' to the families of the victims and witnesses, among other things, in remote and hard-to-reach villages. She collected over 2,600 questionnaires with her own hands; and all the collected data (about 65% of the terrain has been processed) is analyzed in order to publish the established facts (a map of victims that is constantly being upgraded);
- In the Human Rights Schools for Youth organized by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce in Croatia and in other post-Yugoslav countries, in cooperation with the Helsinki Committee of Republika Srpska from Bijeljina and the Helsinki Committee of Serbia from Belgrade, she participated in the education of a whole new generation of human rights advocates.
Seemingly simple data do not leave us indifferent. On the contrary, questions arise: how can we know so