We proudly present this year's laureates of the "Krunoslav Sukić" Peace Award 2023.!
This year's winners of the "Krunoslav Sukić" 2023 Award and recognition for promoting peacebuilding, nonviolence and human rights are:
The 2023 “Krunoslav Sukić“ Award for the Promotion of Peacebuilding, Nonviolence and Human Rights
is awarded with gratitude to:
Manda Prišing - for contributing to the solidary and courageous construction of peace in the midst of war, for building bridges across the front line, across the divisions that war has brought upon people and across existential fears and hatred. The heart of her peace work was, and still is, in the place where she lives, in Sombor, and then with the logic of solidarity, careful preservation of friendships and connections, it cascaded and connected with peace efforts across borders, starting from Osijek, along with the post war generation of young people from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Manda left a mark in her community, in her generation and in the generation of young people.
Branka Vierda -for a courageous, persistent, peace-making creative contribution to the connection, empowerment and joint action of young people from Croatia and other post-Yugoslav countries who approach the war and post-war heritage as an opportunity for building peace, reconciliation, acknowledging responsibility and own mistakes, fighting against nationalism as well as strengthening the role of young people in building a democratic society. The example of Branka Vierda is encouraging.
The 2023 "Krunoslav Sukić" Accolade for the Promotion of Peacemaking, Nonviolence and Human Rights is awarded with gratitude to:
For twenty years of enthusiastic, persistent, professional and creative peace-building work on disseminating the idea and vision of mediation. We are grateful for all those, and there is an abundance of them, who, in meeting with the members of the CMA, with mediation, mediators and teaching about mediation, were empowered to change their perspective and view of the world. For a world of cooperation in which conflict is not only a threat, but also an opportunity for everyone to be better and to become better.
The 2023 “Krunoslav Sukić” Recognition for BOOK OF THE YEAR has been awarded with gratitude to:
Igor Beleš - for the book "LISTANJE KUPUSA", Zagreb, HENA COM, 2023.
Listanje kupusa is the best anti-war and peace novel written in the last few years in our area. The author, in the voice of an eleven-year-old, and in the voice of a group of children, shows what the essence of suffering, sadness and terror of war is - the loss of what is the only important thing in the innocent time of growing up: love, school, holidays and friendship. Friendship above all, which, despite all the events in Borovo at the time, the novel's protagonists want to keep at all costs. The reader will feel romance and unpretentious nostalgia, then disbelief, which towards the end of the novel spills over into agony, dread and grief.
Radi Radovanoviću - for the novel SMEH POD VEŠALIMA, Zagreb, Kruzak, 2022.
We recognize the novel Smeh pod vešalima as a historical document and a epitome of the war in Serbian society, told in such a way that it can reach the readers, even from Serbia: "everything they wanted NOT to know about the war in Kosovo". And yet, the book clearly, almost shockingly, imposes a parallel: what we need to know about war and societies at war, whether we reflect on the past or look at the escalation of violence in other current wars. We can agree that war is evil, but it is important to be aware of how different motives, intentions and interests affect the setting of boundaries between good and evil in war, which divide not only the people, but also the intelligentsia, politicians, diplomats, peace activists, journalists...
PEACEBUILDING SCHOOL 2023 Recognition is awarded with gratitude to students and teachers of Gustav Krklec Primary School for many years of involvement in educational support for refugee children and their integration into school and the local community. The school shares its pioneering experience and incorporates it into the development of good practices for the integration of refugee children into the school system in Croatia. The example that they give us shows that openness to others is not a threat, but ennobles and enriches us. This school is an inspiring role model.
Students and teachers of Primary School Petar Zrinski Čabar who, in the green heart of Croatia, far away from big cities, where they live, try to use all the potential at their disposal. In that small town, the students have the same chances, good opportunities to develop their abilities, knowledge and skills. The school community nurtures a special concern for vulnerable groups and the preservation of cultural heritage, while teaching students coexistence, acceptance of diversity and peace. We are convinced that the students and teachers of this school are already champions.