The "Krunoslav Sukić" PEACEBUILDING SCHOOL Accolade

Application form

Nominated school details

Please describe when the school was established, briefly its historical and professional development, how many students and teachers it currently has, the composition of students by ethnic, religious, or any other principle of diversity if you consider it important for your school and local community; achievements of students, teachers, and the school, awards.

0/300 Words

Please list and briefly describe the programs/activities/actions you consider relevant to education for peace, non-violence, and cooperation that you are implementing (since when, which programs, what is currently ongoing, for example, "Stop Violence in Schools"; multicultural projects, peer mediation, connecting and cooperating with other schools and across borders... etc.), and explain your proposal in relation to':'
- the school's commitment to peace education (persistence, courage, and creativity)
- participation in the life of the local community
- cooperation with other schools, civil society organizations, institutions

0/300 Words

Please describe the achievements and impact that the proposed school has made or contributed to - in the school and local community, what benefits students/teachers/school/ community, society, or specific (especially vulnerable) social groups have gained from it.

0/300 Words